Author: Disa Nkgowe

World Rugby level 2 (7's and 15's) qualified rugby coach. World Rugby Coach Educator Founder of Graphic Design, Web Design, Film making & VFX studio: Phaphatha

Thrilling Action Unveiled: Botswana Rugby Union’s BDF Sevens Recap

The Duma FM Grounds came alive on August 26 as the Botswana Rugby Union’s BDF Sevens event unfolded in an exhilarating display of skill and determination. With both men’s and women’s teams fiercely competing, the tournament proved to be a captivating spectacle. Let’s delve into the highlights and outcomes of this unforgettable day of rugby.

Men’s Tournament

A tale of two pools

The men’s competition was divided into two intense pools. Pool A showcased the talents of Jwaneng, BDF 1 (the hosts), GRFC 2, and Ryders Rugby Club. Meanwhile, Pool B witnessed spirited matches between UB, BDF 2 (also hosting), GRFC 1, and Jaguars.

GRFC 1 and GRFC 2: Dominance Unleashed

In an impressive feat, GRFC 1 and GRFC 2 conquered their respective pools undefeated. Jwaneng and UB secured commendable second-place finishes. The semi-finals brought intense showdowns, with Jwaneng facing GRFC 1 and UB challenging GRFC 2. GRFC 1 emerged victorious against Jwaneng with a decisive score of 29-0, while GRFC 2 narrowly triumphed over UB with a score of 15-12.

Thrilling Playoff and Grand Finale

In a hard-fought battle for the third and fourth place, Jwaneng clashed with UB, resulting in UB prevailing 28-17. The ultimate clash took place in the men’s final, where GRFC 1 and GRFC 2, both hailing from the same club, showcased their skills. GRFC 1 emerged as champions with a resounding victory of 24-0.

Women’s Tournament

In the women’s category, teams showcased their prowess in a cumulative results format, setting the stage for the grand finals at the upcoming tournament at GRFC Grounds. BDF, continuted their recent dominance of women’s rugby by securing top position in the pool. They were followed by UB in second, GRFC in third, and Ryders in fourth place.

It promises to be a very tense and tight tournament in the women’s category, with all teams fighting for seeding in the final tournament.

Acknowledging Outstanding Players

Nthabiseng Moloiswa wins best player of the tournament for BDF Women

Brighton Chinyanya was crowned the men’s tournament’s best player, while Nthabiseng Moloiswa earned the accolade of the women’s best player—a testament to their exceptional performances.


As the rugby sevens season unfolds, stay tuned for more exhilarating matches and inspiring moments. Follow us on our official social media channels and website to keep up with the latest updates. Whether you’re a die-hard rugby fan or just discovering the sport, be part of the action and support the incredible athletes who make these tournaments possible. Your passion fuels theirs—let’s keep the rugby spirit alive!

The Botswana Rugby Union’s BDF Sevens event not only celebrated the sport’s competitive spirit but also highlighted the camaraderie and dedication within the rugby community. With remarkable performances across genders, the tournament paved the way for an exciting journey ahead.

Vibrant Rugby Sevens: Fostering Unity Through Exciting Matches

Now that yet another riveting Rugby 15s season is behind us, the spotlight now turns to the forthcoming Rugby Sevens series, a pivotal event in Botswana Rugby Union’s calendar. Over the next five weekends, rugby aficionados will be treated to a thrilling display of athleticism, strategy, and camaraderie as local club side compete in the Sevens series organized by the Botswana Rugby Union. With each club showcasing their own sponsors, this series promises to captivate fans and celebrate the multifaceted nature of the sport.

The Sevens Begins

Commencing on August 26th at the BDF Rugby Club, the Rugby Sevens series embarks on a journey that will culminate at the Gaborone Rugby Football Club (GRFC). The stage will also be set at BIUST University, University of Botswana(UB), and Canon Jaguars, ensuring a wide-reaching and inclusive experience for rugby enthusiasts across the nation. The current schedule is as follows:

  • BDF – 26 August
  • Canon Jaguars – 2 September
  • UB – 9 September
  • BIUST – 16 September
  • GRFC – 23 September

The Rugby Sevens Difference

The heart of Rugby Sevens lies in its distinction from the traditional 15-a-side format. Boasting teams of just seven players each, the Sevens series is renowned for its breathtaking pace and dynamic gameplay. In stark contrast, the Fifteens leagues offer a more strategic and structured spectacle, showcasing the diverse range of skills that rugby demands.

As a testament to the Botswana Rugby Union’s commitment to inclusivity, both men’s and women’s teams will take the field in both the Sevens series and Fifteens leagues. This platform allows women’s rugby to shine brightly and underscores the union’s dedication to gender parity in sports.

Join in the fun

As the anticipation builds, we invite everyone to come together and embrace the beauty of rugby in its various forms. Whether you’re a seasoned rugby fan or a newcomer, this series promises excitement, competition, and a shared sense of unity. Stay informed about schedules, and updates, by following us on our official social media channels and website.

“Rugby Excellence Unleashed: Super Week Triumph

From August 17th to 20th, 2023,  Legae Academy, transformed into a bustling hub of rugby enlightenment, playing host to Botswana Rugby Union’s “Super Week.” Guided by Denver Wannies, Rugby Africa’s Regional Education Manager, and orchestrated in collaboration with Botswana Rugby Union’s educators under the leadership of Tosca Segaise, this event attracted a record turnout of over 60 participants hailing from all corners of Botswana.

The setting for this momentous occasion was none other than Legae Academy, a premier educational institution that graciously opened its doors to rugby novices and experts alike. Marking the first time such an event was held at this venue, the “Super Week” inaugurated a new chapter in rugby development within Botswana.

Diversity and comprehensiveness were at the heart of this event’s curriculum. The participants were treated to an assortment of courses spanning medical expertise, coaching techniques, match officiating, and strength and conditioning principles. To underscore the holistic approach, educational courses were also conducted in these domains, solidifying Botswana Rugby’s commitment to cultivating a cadre of rugby educators.

This groundbreaking event was not just a theoretical exposition; it was a hands-on immersion into the many facets of rugby. As participants dived into the art of planning training sessions, fine-tuned their medical responses, and sharpened match officiating skills, they were poised to emerge as more adept and knowledgeable rugby practitioners.

A noteworthy outcome of the “Super Week” was the convergence of rugby enthusiasts from diverse walks of life, all brought together by their shared ardor for the sport. As connections were forged and insights exchanged, the event fostered a sense of camaraderie that transcended geographical boundaries.

The reverberations of this remarkable event extended beyond its conclusion. With Botswana Rugby’s educators workforce experiencing substantial growth, the organization now proudly boasts a comprehensive team of rugby educators, fully equipped to impart their knowledge and expertise. This achievement further underscores Botswana Rugby Union’s commitment to nurturing rugby excellence.

Looking ahead, the legacy of the “Super Week” in Gaborone, Botswana, is set to reverberate throughout the nation’s rugby landscape. The event’s trailblazing spirit, coupled with the collaborative efforts of World Rugby, Rugby Africa, and Botswana Rugby Union, has laid a solid foundation for the growth and advancement of rugby within the region. As time unfolds, the impact of this event is bound to flourish, nurturing a new generation of rugby enthusiasts and experts alike.

This collaborative effort demonstrates the far-reaching impact of partnerships in advancing rugby education, fostering community, and propelling the sport’s growth on both regional and global scales. With a shared vision and a commitment to excellence, these organizations have set a precedent for what can be achieved when the rugby community comes together.

Whether you’re an aspiring coach, a passionate referee, a budding strength and conditioning enthusiast, or simply eager to explore the intricacies of the game, World rugby programs cater to a wide spectrum of interests and expertise levels. Embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with fellow rugby enthusiasts, as we collectively contribute to the elevation of rugby standards in Botswana and beyond. Take the first step towards enriching your rugby journey by becoming an active participant in these transformative programs today through your local rugby clubs.

Tackle Ready Featured image

World Rugby launches Tackle Ready Programme

Tackle coaching in rugby is set to be transformed with the global launch of Tackle Ready, which aims to reduce the risk of head injury at all levels of the sport by improving technique.

  • New programme forms key head injury prevention initiative within World Rugby’s six-point player welfare advancement strategy 
  • All coaches at all levels will have access to a five-stage framework for coaching effective technique that promotes prevention
  • World Rugby and national unions currently examining tackle height limits in key closed trials to aid welfare outcomes
Tackle ready course
World Rugby launches Tackle Ready to educate players on safe tackle technique

Tackle coaching in rugby is set to be revolutionised with the global launch of the Tackle Readywhich aims to reduce the risk of head injury at all levels of the sport by improving technique.  

Tackle Ready supports World Rugby’s commitment to advance best-practice injury-prevention education programmes within a wide-ranging strategy to cement rugby as the most progressive sport on player welfare. Under Tackle Ready, coaches at all levels will be given a five-stage framework around which to coach the tackle, broken down into the following categories: tracking, preparation, connection, acceleration and finish. 

The content is relevant for all ages and stages of player and builds on the introductory information provided in Rugby Ready and should be used by coaches in conjunction with their Union’s Age Grade Law Variations where applicable. 



Tackle Ready supports the education pillar of the recently launched strategy to cement rugby as the most progressive sport on player welfare. It has been developed following comprehensive research into the relationship between head injuries and the tackle, which demonstrates that 76 per cent of head injuries occur at the tackle, two thirds of head injuries occur to the tackler and a bent at the waist tackle is 4.5 times safer than an upright, face-to-face tackle.  

World Rugby is rolling out the innovative injury-prevention programme via its global network of educators and trainers with unions following suit. Free-to-access video guidance available at [] means that everyone in the game will be able to access and benefit from the best-practice resource.  

What it means. to me column header image

What it means to me – A quote by Gen. Patton

General Patton was a World War II general who served in the United States Army. Very often he had to make decisions in the heat of battle with limited information, and even less time. But he knew that hesitation in combat could be deadly. It would afford the enemy the opportunity to maneuver and defeat his troops. Which often meant death.


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I trust that, more often than not, the coordination and unified effort of the group, will overcome the shortcomings in the plan

Now, obviously, in rugby we are involved in a far less deadly endeavor than General Patton. We’re not worried about bullets and bombs, but rather tackles and tries. That is not to say, though, that this quote has no meaning for us.

For a coach like myself, I have to provide instruction to my players in the heat of a game, not battle. I can take advice from assistants, and sometimes even players, but a plan has to be made and provided to the players. Once the whistle goes, I do not have time to toy around with every bit of information, or concept, to find the perfect plan. If I see something wrong, I have to instruct the players in what to do to fix it. If I see an opportunity, I have to instruct the players in how to take advantage of it.

This means, it may not be perfect, but if everyone gives their all, I trust that, more often than not, the coordination and unified effort of the group, will overcome the shortcomings in the plan.


Supporting your teammate plan, or you may lose the game and points.

When I was a younger player one of the most frustrating things was when a team mate did something I wasn’t expecting, that wasn’t “the plan”. Particularly early on in my career, this had the effect of getting me disengaged. I could end up not doing anything. Sometimes my fellow team mates would do the same thing. Can you imagine what that looked like? One player going off with the ball, while two, three, or more of their teammates stood still and watched them? It must have been a sight, for spectators and the coach.

The breakthrough came when in one game I just started throwing myself into supporting my teammates ideas of the moment. Instead of one player alone, they were SUPPORTED by their teammate, and it created more opportunities for them and myself. I realized that my teammates plan may have had a low chance of success if we participated, but it usually had NO chance of success if we didn’t.


If you’re a coach, hesitation can be the difference between scoring and being scored upon. Don’t hesitate to communicate the plan until it’s perfect. Communicate it with your players with clarity and confidence.

If you are a player, participate fully in the plans of your coach, but if your teammate sees an opportunity, and improvises, participate in the improvisation.

Support each others plans fully and your dedication is what will transform an average plan into a great one.

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